Thursday 25 November 2010

Teaching Aids 2 : Volume Of Liquid

Higher Achiever Pupils ;
Class   :           2 Utarid
Topic           Volume of Liquid
Subtopic:      Measure Volume of Liquid
Learning Outcome: At the end of the lesson, pupils are able to;
1.  Measure the volume of liquid in liters.
Moral Value: Co-operation during group activities.
Thinking: Measuring volume of liquid
Teaching Aids:  Jug, glasses, teapot, Tupperware cylinder
Activity: Group
1.    Arrange the three items on the table.
2.    Form 3 groups of pupils to do the 3 steps of teaching aids.

3. Group A will measure volume of water in the jug into the glasses.

4. Leader of each of group will write the answer of their observation in the tables given.

5. Other group repeated step 3 and step 4 to measure volume of water from the cylinder and the teapot.  

6. Example
The Jug
The Jug is __________ glasses of water
The Teapot
The Teapot is __________ glasses of water
The Cylinder
The Cylinder is __________ glasses of water

7. After the pupils have tried answer the questions, teacher explains the correct answers.

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